Banking & Financial Services Category

Illuminating opportunities in banking, financial services, & insurance

Cost optimization in banking & financial services, insurance, and merchant card fees

From banking and investment services to insurance and corporate tax advice, commercial financial services are necessities for businesses of all sizes across industries.

However, the financial services that help your business run smoothly can be unique to your industry, and it can be a challenge to determine whether you are getting the most out of the options available to your organization.

We help clients keep expenses in check through a business banking comparison, reviewing various providers’ services and fees to evaluate savings opportunities.

Let us help your organization.

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Banking & financial services

Every business relies on banking services for both day-to-day operations and development projects – and with a wide selection of banks of all sizes, choosing the best bank for business accounts can be tricky.

Does your bank offer the dependable, supportive business bank account services you need?

Are bank fees competitively priced?

ERA Group can help clients keep expenses in check using benchmarking data and reviewing your providers’ services and fees to evaluate savings opportunities.


Business insurance comes in all shapes and sizes, providing protection coverage for premises, equipment, operations, and staff.

As a financial arrangement to reduce risks, insurance costs can vary widely, depending on the provider and the type of coverage.

Our consultants evaluate clients’ business insurance expenses, examining services and insurance premium costs to identify cost-saving recommendations.

Merchant card fees

Businesses that accept credit or debit card payments are responsible for interchange fees that the card-issuing banks charge for every transaction. These fees can often account for the most significant expense merchants pay at each point of sale.

The charges differ depending on the merchant services company providing the service.

Our experts can reduce fees by completing a merchant services review and analyzing interchange costs to identify cost-saving solutions.

Learn more about the ERA Group process.

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